Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1st Meditation Class

I attended a Meditation class in Hemmant today and the instructor Kellie was super sweet and lovely.  The class was structured in that you had a cup of tea and a chat while everyone arrived, followed by a chant in Sanskrit, Gayatri Mantra - Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha (I've put a version from YouTube below).  This was my first Sanskrit chant and I really enjoyed it.  After a few times it just got so easy to say it over and over again. The next part of the class was a 20 minute meditation. I've tried to meditate before but never for 20 minutes.  I figured I was going to have to move around lot and the minutes would seem like forever, but I'm happy to say that I didn't move at all. I was surprised when the time was up and I could barely move to lay down in Savasana. Overall I had a wonderful experience and I plan on going back next week. 

This class was exactly what I needed right now.  I miss socializing with friendly people.  I was missing home so much this past weekend and I just couldn't figure out how I was going to go out and meet people that had the same interests as myself. On Tuesday it dawned on  So grateful to have remembered the site, where I found this wonderful meditation class.

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