Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life is Beautiful

Mooloolaba is such a beautiful place.  If I could retire anywhere in the world, this one be one of the places.

I love the long walk along the beach, window shopping along the shops, stopping for a cup of coffee, and just enjoying the warm beautiful sun. This is the way life should always be. Peaceful and beautiful.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What to focus on?

Yin Yoga is all about letting go! Releasing muscles, releasing thought, connecting to the earth......Most of the poses are on the floor where you can sink into calm space with the help of music and dialogue. We will also chant sanskrit through a couple of the held poses which is deeply transformative, taking your mind completely away from what is going on in the physical body and brings you naturally deeper into the pose.....further than ever before.

I tried a Yin Yoga class earlier this year and loved it. I hope to do more of it in the future.

Currently I'm attending a few classes at the gym: Mind and Body, Studio Pilates and Boxing.  I tried going to a class called Sh'Bam and it just wasn't for me, I guess I was hoping it was more like a Zumba class, but it's nothing like it.  I have enjoy the other classes, especially the Pilates as I had never done that before.  The Mind and Body has a mixture of Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi. It's a good class, but I don't feel as connected to it as I wish I was. The Boxing class is great, wears me out and makes me feel like I'm actually working out.

There are the things I like to do:
Belly Dancing
Roller Skating

How can I do all of these? Should I focus on just a few? Which ones do I focus on?  For now I focus on the ones that are more easily available to me.

What to Eat for Breakfast?

I'm bored with my breakfast. I have been having the same type of breakfast smoothies for the past 6 months, I should have already switched it up but it was so easy to stick with the easy smoothie that I already have all the ingredients for. 

Now that the weather has changed and it's starting to get cold in Brisbane I just can't bring myself to drink a cold smoothie.  I few days ago I stayed so cold from the smoothie I wore a sweater all day as I just couldn't bring my temperature back up.

Yesterday I quickly went into the local organic store and looked for a breakfast alternative.  I was hoping to get something warm, perhaps porridge or oatmeal, however neither of these have ever been my favorite.  As I was looking I came across Brookfarm Bircher.  I have never tried Bircher, so I thought I would give it a try, even though the recipes on the back is for a cold breakfast (I guess I'll just have to wear a sweater all day).

I mixed the following items and left it in the fridge for one hour:
1/4 cup Brookfarm Gluten Free Bircher
1/4 cup Coconut Water
1/4 cup Coconut Yogurt (Mango)

Topped with half of a ripe banana right before I ate it.

It was pretty good. It has a good flavor and I like the fact that it has a crunchy texture, as I don't really like the smooth creamy stuff, as it reminds me of porridge. The pieces of dried fruit is a great little surprise while you're eating it.  Also, I stayed pretty warm while eating it, I guess because it wasn't a cold liquid.  Hopefully this will be keep me satisfied for the next few hours and this could be my new breakfast until it runs out.  Then I'll have to change it up and get something new.